Thursday 17 October 2013

Studying Facebook Pages of Similar Atrists

The first artist that is similar to our artist is Rihanna. The first thing that strikes you about Rihanna's page is that fact that everything is gravitated around her. Her cover photo is striking, looking into the audiences eye- this is done to entice the audience, engage their attention and almost force them to look at the rest of the Facebook page. The font which is used on this Facebook page is mainly that which appears to be written, as it Rihanna has written it herself, both on the cover photo and the profile photo (which is her album cover), it is written. This further gives a more personal feel, giving the impression that Rihanna cares about her fans and does things for the fans consequently appealing to her target audience. The colours that have been used are very lust full, she uses a base of black and white, with overtones of dark purples, and pinks- these colours are very provocative and concur with Dyer's theory that sex is what sells the artist. The way that Rihanna is presented on her page is again very provocative, where there is a lot of her body, and not much else on: this again confirms Dyer's theory that sexual exploitation sells an artist. It can be seen in her album cover, which is especially provocative, showing her body, with certain parts covered up with text, leaving little for the imagination. This exposure of skin not only relates to Dyer's theory, but it also is done to attract her target audience and expand her audience, it means that men will want to be with her and women will want to look like her.

This displays how Rihanna not only relates to Dyer's theory with sexual exploitation, it is a further way of creating hype for her music video- the main use of Facebook for artist is a way of marketing for the artist. With her 80 million fans on Facebook, how she can post photos and get this global audience at the click of a button is instant global marketing. So by her posting these photos, especially about how sexual they are- it will entice her audience, hoping they will continue to follow the process of the music video and song development- consequently,when the single is released to watch the video, and buy her song. This relates to our artist because when we create Elina's Facebook page we will be posting progress shots of the music video being made- creating hype for the release of her single, raising awareness for the artist so they will buy her music.

The second artist that relates to our artist is Beyonce. Concurring with Rihanna's Facebook page is that everything revolves around her- more over with Beyonce than Rihanna is that her page is more about her brand than her as a person. With her profile photo being just of the letter "B", this is expanding her awareness as an artist, she is no longer recognisable by a photograph, but now she will be recognised by a single letter- this is all a marketing tool about raising awareness and creating hype for the artist. Further more, in Beyonce's "Photos" we are able to see that she has got a #BEYGOOD- this is again a marketing device to try and create hype on the site of, expanding the awareness for her as an artist and also accessing another website so those who are not users of Facebook but are on Twitter, this means they can access the news through both media sites. The fonts that have been used are quite classic, possible Times New Roman; this font is chosen to add a more classic element, as Beyonce is a renowned artist, she is now focusing on the 'old money' element, she is trying to appear more conservative and less about her body and more about her music- this is further reflected by her appearance in her cover photo, which is in a conservative had and a coat. This is very different from Rihanna's cover photo, where she is highly exposed. However, what ties them both together is that there are no distractions, it is about the artist, rather than anything else. On Beyonce's page, there are little colours on the initial images of her page, however, this is also a tool to entice the audience down the page, as they see a spark of colour so they are drawn to it, for example this image.

These are images which expresses Dyer's theory- firstly, she is dressed fairly provocatively, accentuating her curves- this will appeal to a male audience because they see her as 'sexy' and want to be with her. Also women will look at her as 'sexy' as well because men see her as desirable, also, what Beyonce does to appeal to a wider audience is that she is not 'model skinny', she has curves which make her more relatable- women will see her as personable because her look isn't unreachable unlike many singers who are stick thin. This relates to our artist Elina, because like Beyonce, she has curves, this means that she will appeal to a wider audience because she will seem relatable as opposed to someone who's look is unreachable.

Another artist which is like our artist is Azealia Banks. The first thing which strikes your about Azealia's Facebook is the image at the top right of the screen- this cartoon of herself relates directly to Dyer's theory, that musicians are almost mythical creatures of rebellion and sex appeal- this directly relates to the image at the top of the screen. The fact that she is a mermaid, is saying that she is almost other worldly, like she is untouchable because she is of some form of myth. Furthermore, the fact that she has stolen the pirates gold gives a sense of rebellion, another theme of success stated by Dyer. Another thing which strikes you about this page (unlike Beyonce's), is the excess of colour which covers the page. This is because, unlike Beyonce who is well known, Azealia is not well known, so she needs something eye catching to grasp the attention of the target audience. The colours which are most used are the pinks and the purples, this makes it clear that the target audience is mainly females- this then segregates potential male fans, this is something we will take on board when making a Facebook page for our artist- we will use colours that are are not specific to any gender. Another comment to make about Azealia Bank's Facebook page that is similar to Rihanna's is that the font of her name is almost been written; this again adds a more personal effect to the fan page, making the fans feel like they are noticed by the artist- attracting and retaining an audience.

When designing our own artist Facebook page, we will bare in mind that many successful artist use their own handwriting on their page- adding a personal effect. Further more, Dyer's theory is expressed in the profile photo- the photo which is mainly of the artists bum, this is directly appealing to his 'sexual exploitation' notion- that sex sells: which is true, for by her having such an explicit photo being the face of her page, people will see the image, be shocked by the content and want to see who is behind the image. It is true that 'sex sells' in this business, so we will keep that in mind when designing our Facebook page. What is interesting about Azealia Bank's page is that she has used similar editing themes that we will be using in our music video, for example the layering of the image and the vivid use of colour- this means that the style which we will be adapting will be similar to the themes used by people who are successful in the industry, hopefully appealing to the same target audience and becoming a pre-sold element for our music video.

The last artist that is similar to our artist is MIA. She is very similar to our artist because she is from a foreign background much like our star, being from Sri Lanka, she not only allows her heritage to be involved in her music, but also in her album covers, and the colours and style she uses for her Facebook page. What is initially eye catching about her page is the vibrant colours she uses, this is firstly done to attract a younger audience: which is her target audience, as she is a rapper/singer, she will not be appealing to the older generation, so by using these bright colours she is instantly appealing to her target  audience. Further, she has used the same theme as Bank's in the sense that as a new artist she must use bright colours to attract an audience, something that is eye catching and will engage someone who has not heard of her before. Further more, she has used images on her cover photo to display her heritage, by being in the traditional Indian praying position- this is also similar to our artist as we will display some of Elina's Egyptian heritage in her artwork, including on her Facebook page.

The fonts that were used are not consistent, they mix and give the sense of chaos- the neon lights which are used also give the sense of a party atmosphere- attracting a audience who wants to listen to party music. We will keep these thoughts in mind when designing our Facebook page for our star- as the music is dance music, we will incorporate bright lights and patterns. This image of the book MIA released is very similar to the patterns that we will be using for Elina's Facebook page and marketing. This aztec pattern is very popular in pop-culture and will directly attract to our target audience. What will be successful about using the themes from MIA's pages is that MIA's target audience and Elina's will be relatively similar as the music will be similar- both having foreign elements to them. So by using similar ideas from MIA's marketing tools, it means that Elina's marketing will be successful as it has already been tried and tested by MIA- this is a pre-sold element which will increase the audience for Elina as MIA's fans will also enjoy Elina's music.

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