Monday 30 September 2013


Location 1: Road:

The first location that will be seen is the road. There will be a black floor with a white painted line to resemble the road. We will also moisten the road to give the illusion that it has been raining- this will reflect the light off the road and give an almost ‘magical’ feel, further developing the themes of our music video- light vs. dark and the afterlife and limbo- this opening scene was influenced by the song “The Day I Died” by Just Jack. Just Jack is an artist, who would share the same audience as Elina, so we are working on pre-existing ideas to ensure that our target audience will like the video. It will further appeal to our target audience because the fact that Elina has been hit by car relates to our audience VAL, “The Experiences”- they are young, enthusiastic, impulsive and rebellious. They seek variety and excitement, looking for the new, the offbeat and the risky, this nature relates to our video because our opening is an ambiguous opening by which the audience member can judge whether she is alive or not- this judgment is exciting and suits our VAL audience. Because the song isn’t a generic pop song, it is offbeat and unusual, the set parallels this as it is not the generic pop video.
Location 2: Black Walls with White Pictures:

The second location will be in the parallel world, which Elina is witnessing in limbo-, this means the set must be creepy, be quite warped, and not really have a trend to it. The black walls will be symbolizing the ‘nothingness’ of limbo, how there is no perception of anything- the white drawings and patterns are there to show the warped nature of limbo. The theme of black and white was chosen because black and white represents light and dark, life and death. The lack of color in them shows the bleakness of death and ho there is no color in death- and as our artist has seen death, she must fight her way out of limbo back into the real world. Influences of this idea from the music video “Fatty Boom Boom” by DieAntwood- where there are dancers in neon with a black background- representing life and death. It will appeal to our target audience because it relates to risk taking, life and death, and rebellion. This relates to Elina’s image because she is edgy and risky- like the theme of this music video.

Location 3: White Walls with Black Pictures:

Much like the location with black walls and white pictures, it represents the limbo between light and death, and will have drawings of limbo on it. But also, what can be said about both locations, is that we are sticking with the themes and routs of our artist, Elina, with her being Egyptian, the paintings on the walls, also reflect the traditional hieroglyphics of Egypt, which they would decorate the tombs of the Egyptian kings before they were buried to ensure they still had ‘life after death’- this directly relates to Dyers star theory as it is about rebellion and the ’27 club’, about living fast and dying young. This will further relate to our target audience because due to Elina being multicultural this will further attract an audience outside the West- where Elina’s single would be dropped. Moreover, the difference between the two ‘light and dark sets’, shows the confusion of whether she will be dying (the black set), or coming back to life (the white set).

Location 4: White Walls with Projection:

The fourth location is a simple white wall, by which Elina will be standing on and we will be projecting different images (both still and moving images) on her. We want to show another worldly element, showing life events outside the dancing sets- we will be displaying natural disasters, like forest fires, and thunder storms. We further want to display smaller things which represent life and death and the contrast between them- we want to show things like flowers dying, and then reversing them by coming back to life, dead animals which decompose and then coming back to life ect. This all relates to the theme of rebellion against death, and risk taking because she got into that state in the first place. This relates to Dyers star theory because it shares similar themes with the music video “We Found Love” by Rihanna. Where she is in a room with buildings falling down, and people partying projected on her- this works as an almost pre-sold element, where people will see this and make the connection between the two videos and like our artist because they like Rihanna (an artist who reflects Dyers theory exactly)
Location 5: The Wall of Lights:

Our last location will be a wall of lights. This will be a wall of blinders- this will firstly illuminate Elina’s face- making her look almost holy, again supporting our theme of life vs. death. But it also (in long shots), you will only see her silhouette, this firstly provides the image of almost a spirit, but also shows that she is not in her body, that the outline of her body is left on the ground where she was hit and her soul is awake and trying to avoid death. Then at the end of the video, all the lights will cut out except for two lights either side of Elina, resembling car horns. This will appeal to our target audience as they are all about excitement- and the fact that they see Elina getting hit by the car will not only shock them, but excite them as it is dramatic.

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