Thursday 26 September 2013

Detailed Concept

The video will open with a birds eye shot of Elina (our performer) lying down flat on the street. As the music begins, bronze paint will move up her body, eventually her whole body will be covered in bronze paint. The camera will then zoom into Elina's eye as if we are entering her brain. This immediately sets Elina up as the star of the music video, it focuses on her body which reflects back to connections we made between Elina and Beyonce thus helping establish her star image and aligning her with iconic artists like Beyonce.

This will be Leila dancing in a white room. She will be painted white and there will be black drawings on the walls. These drawings will be random patterns and pictures to give a sense of the chaos and confusion in this world. A key component of this particular genre of music is a dance routine. We have incorporated this into our video and expect it to help us reach our target audience.

This will consist of Leila, Kalvin and Greg dancing in sync. This will be in a black room with white drawings of limbo and things that resemble death. They will be all be in black outfits painted black. There dance moves will be chaotic and disjointed in order to reflect the chaos and confusion of limbo. This element is similar to things that Azealia Banks has done in terms of the anger and aggression involved. There is also a sort of anti-authoritarian element in this which will help us reach our target audience.

This will be Elina singing in a white room. We want to have projections on Elina - many different images and videos of things being destroyed. Natural disasters like forest fires, and things like flowers freezing and dying, animal attacks, skulls, road kill. We want to explore the themes of like and death and whether things really die, or if they are reincarnated. We will show clips of animals or road kill dying and disintegrating. Then we want to reverse this footage so that the audience does not know whether they are dying or coming back to life thus mirroring the themes of limbo. The natural disasters, animal attacks, death element is a current, interesting aspect and will intrigue and encourage our target audience to watch the video.

This will be Elina performing the song in front of the blinders, We want two different states for this element. One is where the lights will intricately change to display different silhouettes. The second light state will be a full wall of lights where at the end all the lights will cut out except for two, these will resemble the headlights of the car which, implied at the beginning, Elina was hit by. The use of the blinders also allows the audience to focus less on the expressions of Elina and more on her movement and body language, suggesting that you loose your identity in limbo.

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