Thursday 27 September 2012

Genre two

Genre, Audiences and Institutions

Why genre is relevant component for:

Audiences: Genre allows the audience to know what type of film they are going to see, plus everyone has a favourite genre of film, so if the genre is labelled then people are more likely to enjoy the films they choose to see. It also gives an expectation to the film, for an example during a horror when someone is going into the woods you expect something bad to happen, but in a romance you would expect something romantic to happen, these expectations make the film more satisfying for the audience.

Production companies:  The production company can use genre to give the an idea of what actor they desire for each role and what qualifications they will potentially need. It also gives them a recipe to follow, so if they are making an action film, then can look at other films of the genre to get an idea of what to include in their movie.

Distribution companies: This gives these companies a clearer idea of who they are advertising to, so for an animated film they will target kids, or for a horror they will target teens as there is a usually a fan base for each genre making them easier to target. It also helps them communicate to the audience, making the story line of the movie easier to understand so people are more encouraged to see it.

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