Friday 21 September 2012

Filming our Prelim


Today I filmed a prelim along with my group who consisted of Rebecca, Elina and Ned. I contributed as an actress in most of it, but I was also involved in some filming when it came to doing close ups of other people. While I was doing some filming I learnt that it is really essential to zoom in and focus in order to make the quality of the shot was the best it could be, I also was doing a close up shot of Rebecca tied up on a chair and I decided to film from her feet and slowly move up to her head, I was able to get this shot really smooth, steady and even, but I did it too slowly, so the shot would have got boring when being viwed. I learnt that it is very important to focus in each shot of background noises in order to avoid continuity problems. Overall filming went well, although we did realise half way through that a leaf blower was sometimes making a sound and sometimes not which would create a continuity problem. Also I found it hard to regain the same posture I would have had in a previous shot, so again this would reveal itself as another continuity problem.
                    Our group was very prepared as we knew from yesterday what our story line would be and what we would require for the sequence. I also think that our group worked really well together, we didn't spend ages arguing over what we wanted out scene to be like, and we all used each others ideas to improve the quality of the clip. We chose to film our prelim outside which, in hindsight, was an error as outdoors it is a lot more difficult to control continuity, but being outdoors did make our film more effective, and it was more appropriate for the genre of our film. We didn't use many props, just a chair and some tape to attach Rebecca to the chair, this make the prelim seem scarier and thrilling. 
                    I feel that our film may have been over complicated, the story line became a bit too intense and complex and this made the film worse not better, so next time I think we should make the film simple. I also think filming the sequence inside would have been of benefit to us as it would have given us more filming time, improving the quality of the clip. Another think I regret not doing was taking pictures, Lastly, I feel that learning our lines would have been a benefit as we wasted about 10 shots getting our lines wrong.
                    I think that after editing our prelim will look good, although we may have a fair few of continuity problems, but we did do our best to get as many shots done while the leaf blower was not on and we also really tired to focus on standing in the same places every time we did a shot.

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