Thursday 22 November 2012

Thriller work

Today we discussed with Phil how our thriller is going to pan out. We decided that nothing really happens in our thriller and we wanted to make it more intresting, and take it out of the environment of the dance studio, so we thought we would include the first few seconds of the actual movie to make the sequence more intresting. We went through some ideas of what would be effective in the first few seconds and conluded that we would have our main character going towards a building, suggesting she has just started uni, and then she would enter the building and go towards a notice board, she would then see a 'roommate wanted' flier and take a ticket from it. We believed this would be in context with what previously occured and it would be a clear way of starting a movie.

Then we made a synopsis of the film:
Our film will open with a ballerina dancing. We will have lots of slow motion shots of her dancing and a few tracking shots . We will have non-diegetic music. The song we have chosen is called raindrops. This is graceful classical music but it has a dark edge to it at times which fits into the genre (thriller). The lighting will be soft and dim to fit in with the graceful movements. While this scene is going on the titles will appear over the top. We will then have a thirty second opening to the film. It will be an everyday day and we will have a long shot of a street. The main girl (the ballerina from the opening) will walk down the street and grab a flyer. The flyer will be advertising for roommates.     

We then filled in a story board to get a shot by shot idea of how the whole scene will work. Here is our stroy board:

We then made a shot list, which consisted of the specific camera work which we think will add to the thriller effect of our title squence. Here is the shot list:

1)     The scene opens with a close up shot of a ballerina putting her feet into grit, and there is a loud crunching sound as she does it.
2)     Slow pan shot of the room through the mirror to introduce the setting.
3)     There will be slow motion shot of her trying her ribbons around her legs.
4)     Then there will be a wide shot of her doing some stretches.
5)     Then there will be a close up shot of her face where she is breathing heavily in preparation for ballet.
6)     Then she begins to do some pirouettes, the camera slowly tilts down her body and reaches her feet, the camera then tracks her feet in a 360 degree motion, in the opposite direction to the way her feet are turning.
7)     Then there is a wide shot of the ballerina, continuing to do her pirouettes.
8)     The camera then moves to a birds eye shot and the ballerina starts moving around the room.
9)     There is then another close up of her face, we can see she has become tense.
10) Close up of her feet, her toes are going up and down, looks painful.
11) Wide shot of her moving towards the camera, when she reaches the camera there is a black out.
12) Wide shot a quiet street.
13) Zoom in of a character on the street.
14) 180 degree shot so camera is now on her front.
15) Camera zooms in a bit so it is a mid-shot, she walks into a building, looks at a board and smiles.
16) Camera then turns back around and there is an over the shoulder shot of what she is looking at which is a ‘roommate wanted’ sign.
17) She then reaches out her hand and then takes one of the tickets the camera follows her hand as she does this.


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