Thursday 21 November 2013

Editing so far

We have now begun the slow process of editing our music video. After loading all the footage onto final cut pro, organising the clips into different 'rush' bins based on the setting they were shot it, we began to sync up the lip singing. This was a difficult task as we became aware that our singer didn't get the words that accurate, so we had to chop and change the different clips in order to ensure there was always accurate lip singing on camera. We decided to keep the cutting slow at the beginning in order to build up to the chaos at the dance break, otherwise the whole video would be quick cuts and would get boring. When putting in the clips with the projected images, we came across another problem, we discovered that most of the clips were shot in the second half of the time frame of the video, so we had limited footage for the first half of the video, this required us to be selective about where to put the footage so that it would have an effective impact. As we worked towards syncing the end of the video where we had planned to use the setting with blinders, we decided that this setting really wasn't in keeping with the rest of the video, it was too 'pop video' like, and our video is more edgy and dancy, although the footage was nice and Elina looked amazing, we decided to not include it in order to keep our video within the one genre.

Secondly we added the dance element. This was an exciting part of editing as it really bought our video to life as the idea of chaos was introduced and Lelia played the role of Elina's temptress, toying with her emotions in limbo. Initially we put clips of Lelia alone, painted in white, into the first verse of the video. We then introduced the boys and Lelia in black for the dance break. But as we watched through that first chunk of the video with the dancers, we realised that the white didn't really work well in the initial verse as it didnt feel as if Lelia was a serpent type character due the fact that she was white and this signifies purity and innocence. We then replaced the white footage of Lelia alone to black footage of Lelia alone and this worked far better, so although it is not in keeping with our timeline, we have decided to use this black footage as it looks better as it made Lelia appear more devil-like and showed that she was trying to tempt Elina. We then added more dance footage to the second half of the song, as the editing pace increases at this point we were able to introduce more quick cuts of the dancers, this helps us target our specific audience as they would be expecting these quick cuts that match the beat of the music and it links Elina and the dancers together well. When it came to the second dance break we had originally planned to have super quick cuts between the white and black footage of the dancers, so that it appeared that the boys were vanishing and reappearing, but there was an issue with lack a continuity between the two clips, so that they do cut into each other accurately. But we put the footage on anyway to see if it would be a massive issue, and it turned out that it worked really well, the clips are not massively out of time with each other, and so cutting between the two adds to the erratic-ness of limbo.

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