Tuesday 3 December 2013

Audience Feedback

Now that we have finished editing, we showed a group of our peers our video to see what our target audience thinks of the video. I wrote a questionnaire consisting of 12 questions asking for the audience's opinion on various elements of our video:

Overall, the feedback from our audience was really positive, they all seemed to really enjoy it, so we have successfully created a video to reach a specific target audience. When we asked the audience to give an overall view of the video people called it 'different', 'creative', 'origional' and 'trippy', this feedback really pleased us, as it was the sort of thing we were going for in terms of an overall idea. Most people's favourite part was the projected images on Elina, they found this section interesting and unusual as it was in keeping with the rest of the video but it was also unexpected, they especially liked the projections of the mushrooms growing because of the exotic colours and wild movements.
I was intrigued by what the audience would say could be improved on so we included this question in the questionnaire, one comment made was that we could have included some more interesting camera movements to add more movement to the video, this was an interesting comment and thinking about it, our video could have benefited from a variety of movements but during editing we did have some pans but we took them out as we did not think they worked effectively, so we should have perhaps included some zooms to see how they would work. The audience also suggested that we include some more footage of 'white Lelia' because we only used her in the second dance break, but we did try this during the editing, but as I discussed in the editing post, the footage didn't work very well at the beginning, so we used more on 'black Lelia' instead.
Everyone really liked the fast paced editing, even when they were asked if they think it should be slowed down at all, they said no as the editing pace makes it really exciting and thrilling. This was an area we were concerned about because we didn't know if there was too much going on making our video overwhelming, but our concerns were put to rest when the audience said that they thought the editing pace was great. We were interested in what the audience thought the dancers and paint represented, to see if we had made it clear enough in the video, most of the audience thought that the dancers represented the chaos of Elina's mind, an erotic past or even ghosts. So there was quite a few opinions regarding the dancers, this shows us that we could have made that element clearer, but most of the audience did agree that they did resemble a sort of chaotic character which is an accurate idea of what they did portray so that was encouraging. When it came to the paint, most people thought that it resembled life and death, with the gold paint signifying Elina's soul, we were really pleased that this element was picked up as it helps the audience understand the theme of the entire video as well as just those elements. Overall, the audience did say that they believed the paint and the dancers really helped contribute to the theme of life and death, and additional things such as the projections just emphasised the idea.
The audience said that they thought our set was really well structured which made it seem 'out of this world', this was pleasing as we did spend a long time getting all the measurements of the lines to be equal so that the set would be symmetrical and thus give the whole video an surreal/trippy feel to it. One thing the audience did point out is that would could have made more use of lighting, they felt that other then the strobe in the dance break we didn't do many other exciting lighting effects, this is a fair point but we did originally plan to have blinders, they just didn't turn out the way we wanted them to, hence they were not included, but we should have added in an extra lighting effect in order to substitute for the loss of the blinders.
Everyone believed that the video was cast perfectly, with Elina suiting the song and the dancers being able to dance well, and this we agreed with, we were so pleased with who we picked for our video as they worked so well on the day and they made our video what it is. The audience said that we should have included more footage of the male dancers, but we had always said that we only wanted them on during the dance break, and this is the way we kept it, we did try and use them elsewhere, but it didn't work well, so despite the criticism, we are glad we kept it the way it is. Another thing the audience said was not clear enough was the road that Elina lies on at the beginning and the end, they just didn't believe that it was a road and were confused as to what it was, they suggested we added some white lines in order to make it clearer. We accepted this criticism and knew it was likely to be an issue, but the post production editing would have been too complex to create a road like setting, so we had to compromise.
All in all, we asked what the audience would score our video out of 10 and if they saw it on TV would they continue to watch, 100% of the audience said they would continue to watch and we scored and average of 9/10 for overall scores. We were really pleased with the audience feedback and we are interested in what external feedback we get once the video goes on youtube.